Sobat, salah satu cara untuk mengukur kemampuan kita dalam menyerap materi adalah dengan mengerjakan soal latihan. Setelah anda mengerjakan Soal Latihan Mandiri Penerjemahan Karya Fiksi BING4330 Universitas Terbuka yang berisi soal berlatih menerjemahkan. Berikut adalah Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri Penerjemahan Karya Fiksi BING4330, Untuk itu buka kertas yang berisi jawaban yang sudah anda kerjakan, silahkan periksa jawaban anda dan cocokan dengan kunci jawaban. Jika skor anda diatas 80% berarti anda sudah menguasai materi, jika skor anda dibawah 80% berarti anda harus membaca dan memahami materi kembali. Cara menghitung skor adalah: Jumlah jawaban benar dibagi jumlah soal dikali 100%.
Jawaban Latihan 1
Bagaimana leher Burung Unta menjadi Panjang
Tuan Burung Unta adalah seorang suami yang berpikiran lurus dan serius, yang mau membantu istrinya dalam melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga. “Sayangku”, kata Sang Burung Unta kepada istrinya suatu sore ketika telur-telur mereka hampir menetas, “bulu-bulu hitamku tidak nampak di kegelapan. Jadi aku akan menjaga telur-telur kita di malam hari dan pada saat yang sama aku menjaga kehangatan telur-telurmu. Ini akan membuatmu santai dan beristirahat sampai fajar menyingsing tiap pagi.”
Sumber: African Folklore.
Jawaban Latihan 2
Girl : Kamu mengkhawatirkan Leslie Knox, kan?
Boy : Aku memukulnya sampai jatuh dengan tas punggungku. Dia mau balas dendam
Girl : Gunther, dia besar mulut aja. Aku terkesan atas keberanian kamu menghadapi dia ketika dia menggangguku. Aku sangat berutang budi.
Girl : Bagaimana kalau kita makan malam akhir pekan nanti?
Boy : Di kuburanku? Baik. Aku mungkin akan makan sedikit saja.
Jawaban Latihan 3
Ayah George adalah seorang ilmuwan cemerlang dan terkenal di seluruh dunia. Namun ia menjadi orang yang menyebalkan di rumah, tidak sabaran, mudah marah, dan pelupa. Anak-anak menyayangi beliau namun sangat menghormatinya. Mereka semua menarik nafas lega ketika beliau pergi selama beberapa hari , karena saat itulah mereka bisa membuat keributan sesuka hati, naik turun tangga, dan membuat lelucon-lelucon konyol dan, biasanya, bisa gila-gilaan semaunya.
“Apakah Paman Quentin akan selalu di rumah sepanjang kita tinggal bersama kalian?” Tanya Anne. Dia sebenarnya agak takut atas perangai pamannya yang mudah marah.
Jawaban Latihan 4
Once upon the time, in the Island of Timor, lives a farmer with his wife and their fourteen children. Seven of them are boys while seven of them are girls. Although they have large home garden, the crops do not produce enough food for the family.
The reason is that the crops are frequently destroyed by a wild boar. The farmer asked his sons to take turn in keeping their home garden from the wild boar’s attack. All sons but Suri Ikun are coward and spiteful.
Jawaban Latihan 5
Again, Untara sat pensively. It was his own fault that in his childhood, he was too protective to his younger brother. He would fight to protect his brother from his mischievouse friends. That is why Sedayu was so dependent on him. When he was grown up, he was unable to protect himself. Although he taught his brother to protect himself a bit, and in his practice, he demonstrated his agility and smartness, but all those skills are closed inside the wall of their house. His heart is too weak to confront the world. How small minded he is!
Jawaban Latihan 6
You never give me a chance. You’re always in love with others and broken heart because of them, you always come to me to tell them all. I know I’m not your ideal man. I’m not a painter. I’m not a writer. If you tell me that a painting is good, I don’t know why. I’m not an orator and a candidate for head of student association you admired in Senior High School. I’m not a campus activist who made you fall madly in love when you were in college. I am just an ordinary man. I know this is miserable, shameful, and I hate your pitying me. But so far, I do have no courage, not even opportunity, to tell you this.
Sumber Latihan Mandiri Universitas Terbuka
“Apakah Paman Quentin akan selalu di rumah sepanjang kita tinggal bersama kalian?” Tanya Anne. Dia sebenarnya agak takut atas perangai pamannya yang mudah marah.
Jawaban Latihan 4
Once upon the time, in the Island of Timor, lives a farmer with his wife and their fourteen children. Seven of them are boys while seven of them are girls. Although they have large home garden, the crops do not produce enough food for the family.
The reason is that the crops are frequently destroyed by a wild boar. The farmer asked his sons to take turn in keeping their home garden from the wild boar’s attack. All sons but Suri Ikun are coward and spiteful.
Jawaban Latihan 5
Again, Untara sat pensively. It was his own fault that in his childhood, he was too protective to his younger brother. He would fight to protect his brother from his mischievouse friends. That is why Sedayu was so dependent on him. When he was grown up, he was unable to protect himself. Although he taught his brother to protect himself a bit, and in his practice, he demonstrated his agility and smartness, but all those skills are closed inside the wall of their house. His heart is too weak to confront the world. How small minded he is!
Jawaban Latihan 6
You never give me a chance. You’re always in love with others and broken heart because of them, you always come to me to tell them all. I know I’m not your ideal man. I’m not a painter. I’m not a writer. If you tell me that a painting is good, I don’t know why. I’m not an orator and a candidate for head of student association you admired in Senior High School. I’m not a campus activist who made you fall madly in love when you were in college. I am just an ordinary man. I know this is miserable, shameful, and I hate your pitying me. But so far, I do have no courage, not even opportunity, to tell you this.
Sumber Latihan Mandiri Universitas Terbuka