Sobat, salah satu cara untuk mengukur kemampuan kita dalam menyerap materi adalah dengan mengerjakan soal latihan. Kali ini soal yang diberikan adalah Soal Latihan Mandiri Writing 2 BING3304 Universitas Terbuka. Soal ini berisi 10 soal pilihan ganda, 10 mencari kesalahan kata dan meneruskan sebuah cerita. Untuk mempermudah siapkanlah kertas dan pensil, kemudian tulis jawaban anda pada kertas setelah itu cek pada halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri Writing 2 BING3304, jawaban anda benar berapa. Jika skor anda diatas 80% berarti anda sudah menguasai materi, jika skor anda dibawah 80% berarti anda harus membaca dan memahami materi kembali. Cara menghitung skor adalah: Jumlah jawaban benar dibagi jumlah soal dikali 100%. Selamat Mengerjakan.
Soal Pilihan Ganda
Petunjuk: Untuk soal-soal berikut, pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat!
Lengkapilah terjemahan berikut dengan mengganti kata yang dicetak miring dengan kata yang tepat.
Contoh: Budi pergi ke sekolah setiap hari.
Budi ... goes ... to school every day.
1. Banyak petani *menanami* sawah mereka tahun lalu di desa itu.
A. plant
B. plants
C. planted
D. planting
2. Saya *telah belajar* bahasa Jepang sejak saya kecil sampai sekarang
A. have been learning
B. have learned
C. learned
D. had learned
3. Setiap hari orang itu selalu *membaca* koran dan majalah di beranda depan rumahnya.
A. read
B. reads
C. ready
D. reading
4. Seekor Puma *terlihat* menyebrang jalan itu minggu lalu.
A. see
B. seeing
C. is seen
D. was seen
5. Orang itu dapat berbahasa Prancis dengan *fasih*.
A. fluent
B. fluently
C. fluency
D. fluencies
6. Orang itu berkata kepada saya bahwa dia *akan datang* ke pesta itu.
A. will
B. will have come
C. would come
D. would coming
7. Orang itu *bukan* paman mu bukan?
A. isn't he
B. is he
C. doesn't he
D. does he
8. Nayla sangat-sangat *tertarik dalam membaca* novel baru itu.
A. interested in reading
B. interested in read
C. interested for reading
D. pulled in reading
9. Seandainya saya *bisa datang* tepat waktu...
A. could come
B. can come
C. come
D. coming
10. Saya akan pergi ke pesta dansa itu jika teman saya *datang menjemput*. (unreal present)
A. come to pick me up
B. has come to pick me up
C. had come to pick me up
D. came to pick me up
Finding Mistakes
Soal Pilihan Ganda
Petunjuk: Untuk soal-soal berikut, pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat!
Lengkapilah terjemahan berikut dengan mengganti kata yang dicetak miring dengan kata yang tepat.
Contoh: Budi pergi ke sekolah setiap hari.
Budi ... goes ... to school every day.
1. Banyak petani *menanami* sawah mereka tahun lalu di desa itu.
A. plant
B. plants
C. planted
D. planting
2. Saya *telah belajar* bahasa Jepang sejak saya kecil sampai sekarang
A. have been learning
B. have learned
C. learned
D. had learned
3. Setiap hari orang itu selalu *membaca* koran dan majalah di beranda depan rumahnya.
A. read
B. reads
C. ready
D. reading
4. Seekor Puma *terlihat* menyebrang jalan itu minggu lalu.
A. see
B. seeing
C. is seen
D. was seen
5. Orang itu dapat berbahasa Prancis dengan *fasih*.
A. fluent
B. fluently
C. fluency
D. fluencies
6. Orang itu berkata kepada saya bahwa dia *akan datang* ke pesta itu.
A. will
B. will have come
C. would come
D. would coming
7. Orang itu *bukan* paman mu bukan?
A. isn't he
B. is he
C. doesn't he
D. does he
8. Nayla sangat-sangat *tertarik dalam membaca* novel baru itu.
A. interested in reading
B. interested in read
C. interested for reading
D. pulled in reading
9. Seandainya saya *bisa datang* tepat waktu...
A. could come
B. can come
C. come
D. coming
10. Saya akan pergi ke pesta dansa itu jika teman saya *datang menjemput*. (unreal present)
A. come to pick me up
B. has come to pick me up
C. had come to pick me up
D. came to pick me up
Finding Mistakes
Dalam teks di bawah ini terdapat 10 kesalahan structure. Temukan kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut dengan menuliskan jawaban Anda di selembar kertas. Kemudian cocokan jawaban Anda dengan jawaban Tutor di bagian bawah bacaan ini.
Emotional position of Shakespeare on love
Was Shakespeare a fool for believing so strong in love? It's a simply question with a yes/no answer, but the complexity of this question is one that many people would debating on and disagree about.
So was Shakespeare a fool? He wrote many sonnets and stories pertaining to loving, so it was frankly obvious that he has passion, but why? He lived a full richness life, essentially devoid of pain and emptiness, so does a man that lived like that have the wisdom to believe in something as fickle and complicated as love? Without experience, is he truly someone to believe in it?
I personal believe that he was a fool for believing in love. The love that most people "give" to others is faux and without just cause, and it has been like this throughout known history. Love is used as a cover for some to hid deep seated hatred, or to falsify someone into believing it just to seek revenge for a wrong done to them. Love is use by others as a means to lure people into a false sense of safety and compassion, just to rip it out from under them, leaving them falling into a void of no return.
Shakespeare spends his life writing about a feeling he had felt upon his marriage and the birth of his children, but without feeling other opposite and equally emotional feelings as love, he didn't know the true meaning of the word or the complexities behind it. This is just my opinion, but I've starting my reasons for them, now I would like feedback on this.
Posted By Whenangels_fall at Sun 18 Jun 2006, 11:05 PM
Making Composition
Di bawah ini terdapat sebuah paragraf pertama dari sebuah cerita. Lengkapilah paragraf tersebut dengan melanjutkan alur ceritanya berdasarkan informasi yang ada di bawah ini. Tulislah cerita Anda di selembar kertas sebanyak lima paragraf yang terdiri atas 200 kata (minimal) dan kemudian berilah judul yang tepat sesuai dengan cerita yang Anda buat.
I still remembered that it was on February 8th 2001 when my grandfather passed away at his house in Bogor. He died peacefully on Thursday at around 5.30 in the morning. I was there when he was dying. He died on my tight. My big family and I were very surprised for our grandfather looked healthy after he did a bed rest for almost two months. We really didn’t know that he would leave us for good.
Cerita Anda harus menggambarkan:
- tempat dan waktu kejadian (paragraf 2);
- orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya (paragraf 3);
- kejadian apa yang sangat sangat mengasankan/paling berharga (paragraf 4); dan
- akhir cerita Anda (paragraf 5).
Tiga (3) aspek yang Anda harus perhatikan dalam cerita Anda:
1. Tatabahasa (grammar);
2. kesinambungan antar paragraf (paragraphing structure); dan
3. pemilihan kata (selection).
Sebagai pembanding dengan jawaban yang telah Anda buat silahkan buka halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri Writing 2 BING3304
Sumber Latihan Mandiri Universitas Terbuka
Emotional position of Shakespeare on love
Was Shakespeare a fool for believing so strong in love? It's a simply question with a yes/no answer, but the complexity of this question is one that many people would debating on and disagree about.
So was Shakespeare a fool? He wrote many sonnets and stories pertaining to loving, so it was frankly obvious that he has passion, but why? He lived a full richness life, essentially devoid of pain and emptiness, so does a man that lived like that have the wisdom to believe in something as fickle and complicated as love? Without experience, is he truly someone to believe in it?
I personal believe that he was a fool for believing in love. The love that most people "give" to others is faux and without just cause, and it has been like this throughout known history. Love is used as a cover for some to hid deep seated hatred, or to falsify someone into believing it just to seek revenge for a wrong done to them. Love is use by others as a means to lure people into a false sense of safety and compassion, just to rip it out from under them, leaving them falling into a void of no return.
Shakespeare spends his life writing about a feeling he had felt upon his marriage and the birth of his children, but without feeling other opposite and equally emotional feelings as love, he didn't know the true meaning of the word or the complexities behind it. This is just my opinion, but I've starting my reasons for them, now I would like feedback on this.
Posted By Whenangels_fall at Sun 18 Jun 2006, 11:05 PM
Making Composition
Di bawah ini terdapat sebuah paragraf pertama dari sebuah cerita. Lengkapilah paragraf tersebut dengan melanjutkan alur ceritanya berdasarkan informasi yang ada di bawah ini. Tulislah cerita Anda di selembar kertas sebanyak lima paragraf yang terdiri atas 200 kata (minimal) dan kemudian berilah judul yang tepat sesuai dengan cerita yang Anda buat.
I still remembered that it was on February 8th 2001 when my grandfather passed away at his house in Bogor. He died peacefully on Thursday at around 5.30 in the morning. I was there when he was dying. He died on my tight. My big family and I were very surprised for our grandfather looked healthy after he did a bed rest for almost two months. We really didn’t know that he would leave us for good.
Cerita Anda harus menggambarkan:
- tempat dan waktu kejadian (paragraf 2);
- orang-orang yang terlibat di dalamnya (paragraf 3);
- kejadian apa yang sangat sangat mengasankan/paling berharga (paragraf 4); dan
- akhir cerita Anda (paragraf 5).
Tiga (3) aspek yang Anda harus perhatikan dalam cerita Anda:
1. Tatabahasa (grammar);
2. kesinambungan antar paragraf (paragraphing structure); dan
3. pemilihan kata (selection).
Sebagai pembanding dengan jawaban yang telah Anda buat silahkan buka halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri Writing 2 BING3304
Sumber Latihan Mandiri Universitas Terbuka