Soal Latihan Mandiri English For Translation BING3312

Sobat, salah satu cara untuk mengukur kemampuan kita dalam menyerap materi adalah dengan mengerjakan soal latihan. Kali ini soal yang diberikan adalah Soal Latihan Mandiri English For Translation BING3312 Universitas Terbuka. Soal ini berisi soal berlatih menerjemahkan. Untuk mempermudah siapkanlah kertas dan pensil, kemudian tulis jawaban anda pada kertas setelah itu cek pada halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri English For Translation BING3312, jawaban anda benar berapa. Jika skor anda diatas 80% berarti anda sudah menguasai materi, jika skor anda dibawah 80% berarti anda harus membaca dan memahami materi kembali. Cara menghitung skor adalah: Jumlah jawaban benar dibagi jumlah soal dikali 100%. Selamat Mengerjakan.

Bagian 1
Pada bagian ini Anda akan berlatih menerjemahkan teks bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia dalam bentuk kalimat. Bagian ini terdiri dari 10 soal dalam bentuk kalimat sederhana.

Cara Mengerjakan Latihan:
1.Siapkan kertas atau buku tulis dan alat tulisnya.
2.Terjemahkan Tugas di bawah, setelah Anda menyelesaikannya, Anda dapat melihat Model Terjemahannya pada halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri English For Translation BING3312.
3.Bandingkan hasil terjemahan Anda dengan Model Terjemahan yang tersedia.
4.Perhatikan keterangan di bawah Model Terjemahan yang merupakan hal yang perlu dicermati oleh penerjemah.
Selamat Berlatih!

1. Oil has doubled to above US$140 and food prices have jumped, hurting the poor in particular and raising the threat of political instability.

2. In 1982 'Thriller,' Jackson's second album with Quincy Jones, was released, and went on to become one of the most commercially successful albums of all time.

3. The teacher prepares lesson by selecting a story and a list of vocabulary words that contain important concepts from the story.

4. Without computers movies wouldn't be as good or would exist at all.

5. In 1905, a man by the name of Lee de Forest developed a radio vacuum tube that he called the Audion.

6. I think the discovery of cloning is very interesting but, also has many unanswered questions.

7. Some trees produce flowers, from which the seeds come, before the leaves come out in the spring.

8. The Six-Day War ended on June 10 when the UN negotiated cease-fire agreements on all front.

9. Elvis Presley changed the style of the music by adopting a country and western style and became a national hero.
10. I know the major cause of suicide is depression; however there are many causes that lead to depression.

Bagian 2
Pada bagian ini Anda akan berlatih menerjemahkan teks dalam bentuk paragraf dari bahasa Inggris ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Cara Mengerjakan Latihan:
1.Siapkan kertas atau buku tulis dan alat tulisnya.
2.Terjemahkan Tugas di bawah, setelah Anda menyelesaikannya, Anda dapat melihat Model Terjemahannya pada halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri English For Translation BING3312.
3.Bandingkan hasil terjemahan Anda dengan Model Terjemahan yang tersedia.
4.Perhatikan keterangan di bawah Model Terjemahan yang merupakan hal yang perlu dicermati oleh penerjemah.

How The Simpsons Affects Kids

The Simpsons is one of Americas most popular television shows. It ranks as the number one television program for viewers under eighteen years of age. However, the ideals that The Simpsons conveys are not always wholesome, sometimes not even in good taste. It is inevitable that The Simpsons is affecting children.
Matt Groening took up drawing to escape from his troubles in 1977. At the time, Groening was working for the L.A. Reader, a free weekly newspaper. He began working on Life in Hell, a humorous comic strip consisting of people with rabbit ears. The L.A. Reader picked up a copy of his comic strip and liked what they saw. Life in Hell gradually became a common comic strip in many free weeklies and college newspapers across the country. It even developed a cult status. Life in Hell drew the attention of James L. Brooks, producer of works such as Taxi, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Terms of Endearment. Brooks originally wanted Groening to make an animated pilot of Life in Hell. Groening chose not to do so in fear of loosing royalties from papers that printed the strip. Groening presented Brooks with an overweight, balding father, a mother with a blue beehive hairdo, and three obnoxious spiky haired children. Groening intended for them to represent the typical American family "who love each other and drive each other crazy". Groening named the characters after his own family. His parents were named Homer and Margaret and he had two younger sisters named Lisa and Maggie. Groening chose the last name Simpson to sound like the typical American family name.

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Sumber Latihan Mandiri Universitas Terbuka

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