Soal Latihan Mandiri Analisis Teks dalam Penerjemahan BING4320

Sobat, Selamat datang di Latihan Mandiri Matakuliah Analisis Teks dalam Penerjemahan BING4320, Latihan Mandiri ini dimaksudkan untuk lebih meningkatkan keterampilan Anda dalam melakukan analisis teks sumber (TSu) berbahasa Inggris sebelum diterjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia.

Struktur LM ini terdiri atas dua bagian:
(1) Questions dengan 6 (enam) butir soal latihan terkait analisis TSu dan praktik menerjemahkannya;

(2) Answer Keys yang berisi penjelasan singkat (feedback) untuk setiap pertanyaan yang bisa anda buka pada halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri Analisis Teks dalam Penerjemahan BING4320

Agar dapat mengukur kemampuan/keterampilan Anda sendiri, disarankan Anda coba dulu menjawab sendiri setiap soal tersebut SEBELUM mencocokkan dengan kunci jawaban (Answer Keys) yang tersedia untuk Anda sebagai feedback.

Selamat berlatih, semoga keterampilan Anda akan semakin meningkat.

(1) Questions

Bacalah TSu berikut dengan cermat, kemudian lakukan analisis secara komprehensif terhadap TSu itu untuk menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut. Tulis jawaban Anda di file/kertas terpisah sebelum Anda cocokkan dengan Kunci Jawaban yang tersedia.

I am a British citizen – not a second-class citizen

Coming through passport control is an ordeal, I am followed on the street and hassled by security services. Not all citizens enjoy the same rights.

By Jamal Osman

If you are British and think that every British citizen enjoys the same rights, my story and those of thousands of others should convince you otherwise.

I arrived in Britain in 1999 having fled the civil war in my home country, Somalia. My asylum application was approved a year later. During that time I was given accommodation and a weekly food voucher worth £35. For this I will always be grateful.

As soon as I was permitted to seek employment I started looking for a job. I worked in a laundry, a warehouse and as a taxi driver – simply to survive. Later I trained to become a journalist.

I joined Channel 4 News as a reporter, largely covering Africa – a role that required frequent travelling. And that is when my nightmare at the hands of Britain's security services began. I have been detained, questioned and harassed almost every time I have passed through Heathrow airport. In 10 years, only one of my colleagues has been stopped.

During the past five years I have also been repeatedly approached by security services trying to "recruit" me. The incentives they offer range from a "handsome salary" or a "nice car" to a "big house". I have even been told that they "could help me marry four wives". I have declined all their offers. Their psychological tactics include telling me how easy it is for them to take away my British passport and destroy my career – and even my life.

I have received regular phone calls from people I believe to be Special Branch, who invite me for a "chat over coffee". "No thanks, I don't drink coffee," I reply.
As someone who appears on television regularly it is not unusual for strangers to greet you in the street or even ask questions about a particular story you've done. But the people who follow me on the street – the spies (I call them "the Vauxhall guys") – have a different approach. After introducing themselves by their first names they declare their interest. Would I like a chat and a coffee. It won't take long. Their hunting ground is London's Victoria station, which I use regularly.

I go to the EU and British passport holders' queue when returning through Heathrow airport; I observe with interest as fellow travellers file smoothly past border control. Yet when I approach, trouble always follows. "Where are you from?", "How did you obtain a British passport?", "Have you ever been in trouble with immigration?" I answer all their questions courteously and respectfully until the inevitable happens and the official says: "Take a seat, I will be back."

Returning from my most recent trip, I took my regular seat near the control desk. Half an hour later a grey-suited man sat next to me."Hello, how are you?" he asked. "Are you from Somalia? I hear from other Somalis that things are improving now. That is what I would like to talk to you about."

I told him that I didn't particularly want to talk about Somalia and that I just wanted to go home. "Don't try and be difficult," he snapped at me. "I'll detain you if you don't answer my questions." And so it continued for another 15 minutes, during which he continued with his threats and with calling me an "idiot" and a "bad person", claiming "you will die angry and the world would be a better place without people like you". Finally he compared me to "the racist thugs we are fighting".

If there is one thing I've learned from such encounters, it is that carrying a British passport doesn't necessarily make you feel British. I came to this country to seek sanctuary. I am a multi-award winning journalist. I am an immigrant and a refugee – but I am still made to feel like an asylum seeker.

I am a Muslim, an African and a Somali. And should the security services be reading this: I am a British citizen. Please treat me like one.

(, diakses tgl 26/5/2014)


1. Menurut Anda, termasuk jenis teks (discourse genre) apakah TSu tersebut di atas? Jelaskan!
2. Apa tujuan dan fungsi sosial TSu tersebut? Jelaskan!
3. Jelaskan secara detail tentang ciri-ciri kebahasaan TSu tersebut!
4. Jelaskan struktur/tata organisasi TSu tersebut!
5. Sekarang terjemahkan empat paragraf yang digarisbawahi ke bahasa Indonesia secara akurat, jelas, dan wajar dengan memperhatikan

Perhatikan beberapa kriteria penilaian teks terjemahan berikut:
Meanings in the source language must be conveyed accurately in the target language, without loss of meanings.
Pay attention to the readership of your translation (i.e. clarity)
Be aware of the notion of register (i.e. vocabulary, style, grammatical features) and collocation both in the source language and the target language.
Make sure that your translation is NOT read like a translation (i.e. naturalness)
There are no such things as “free translation”.

6. Bagaimana Anda memecahkan masalah-masalah penerjemahan yang terdapat dalam setiap paragraf  TSu vs TSa? Berikan alasan Anda.

Untuk mengetahui jawabannya silahkan buka halaman Kunci Jawaban Soal Latihan Mandiri Analisis Teks dalam Penerjemahan BING4320

Sumber Latihan Mandiri Universitas Terbuka

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